In this guide, I will show you experiments and how you can explain them to your child.

Took me multiple late nights (kids are sleeping at this time) to research and test 9 science experiments for you to experience with your daughter or son.
Experienced-mom tip: Always supervise your kids in the experiment, as some of the ingredients might make a mess in your house.
On to the experiments!
#1 – Growing rock candy in a glass
#2 – Grow a Bean Plant
#3 – Making Smores on a solar oven
#4 – Homemade Lava Lamp
#5 – Mentos & Diet Coke Experiment
#6 – Homemade Bouncy Ball
#7 – Homemade Slime
#8 – Elephant Toohpaste
#9 – Cabbage PH levels Experiment
#1 – Growing rock candy in a glass
Making Rock Candy out of sugar and water will be more than just a sweet experiment.
Lesson about experiment:
You can teach your kid about the crystalization process (link). Sense of accomplishment as they made their own candy. It takes a couple of days for the candy to be ready so it’s a great lesson on patience. Toddlers will love checking their jars every day.
Here’s the tutorial on how to make Rock Candy at home. Just make sure sticks touch neither the bottom nor the side of the jar.
#2 – Grow a Bean Plant
Here your kiddo is going to learn how to make bean plant.
Lesson about experiment:
Kids will know about the germination process (link). Seeds need water to germinate. Observe with your kid the process of a seed growing to roots from a plant.
#3 – Making Smores on a solar oven
This is an experiment that kids will want to try because it will provide delicious results!
Lesson about experiment:
With a pizza box, tin foil, and plastic wrap you and your children will learn about thermal insulation. You can explain and show the energy source of the solar oven (the sun).
#4 – Homemade Lava Lamp
How about building together a lava lamp for their room?
Lesson about experiment:
In this experiment, the child will learn about density and polarity. Show them vinegar is heavier than oil, is more dense. That’s why vinegar stays in the bottom when mixed with oil.
If kids seem excited go further on the topic. Explain polarity where vinegar molecules are polar and oil molecules are not polar, so they won’t mix.
#5 – Mentos & Diet Coke Experiment
This one will literally be a blast! Make sure to do outside of your house
Lesson about experiment:
Give children a lesson on states of matter and gases. Explain in a fun way why mentos and diet coke explode!
#6 – Homemade Bouncy Ball
I bet your kids will love this one! I recommend doing it with kids bigger than 3 years old.
Lesson about experiment:
Compare to the store-bought bouncy balls make a competition to see which one bounces more. The bouncy balls are super thick slime so might lose shape with time. Just roll them again and reshape them to a ball.
#7 – Homemade Slime
What kids don’t like slime? Besides the fun, it is an awesome learning experience for kids.
Lesson about experiment:
Hands-on experience for your kids will better their motor skills. Play with them working their math skills. Doing fraction with slime divide in half, then divide in quarters, etc.
#8 – Elephant Toothpaste
Priceless experiment here, watch their excitement when the foam overflows.
Lesson about experiment:
Be side-to-side with your kid for this, explain the exothermic reaction, see if they paid attention if bubbles got hot? Explain bubbles the bubbles created contain oxygen. Hot the yeast accelerated the bubbles and foam to form faster.
#9 – Cabbage PH levels Experiment
Kids love cause and effect experiments, this one the cabbage juice changes colors when mixed with other things.
Lesson about experiment:
Sometimes explain scientific terms to your kid can be hard. Tell them the ph is a scale from 0 to 14 of how acid a substance is. The more acid the smaller the number on the scale.
What to do next?
Some of these experiments might leave a mess in the house.
Cleaning is never fun that’s why we save you time. Read our article about how to clean baby soft toys(link) and be prepared for the next cleaning day!